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Educational establishments – Universities and Schools

The Client’s Problem


Despite Crisis Management not being a top priority within Educational establishments, it nonetheless lurks as a major concern for those charged with ensuring their establishment is ready to respond to the unexpected. Even when recognising the multitude of risks they face, achieving top level buy-in to do things better, adopting something simple and securing value-for-money, all feature highly within universities and schools when addressing these challenges.


Services Provided


R3S Global has helped numerous educational clients crystallise their understanding of their current state of preparedness and the problems that need addressing. We have conducted full audits of policies and procedures and readiness regimes, enabled the setting of enhancement programmes to lay the foundations of a robust response. This has included sharpening information management routines and much improved shared awareness to make properly informed decisions.


We have also conducted various training and exercise evolutions, particularly of senior leadership teams in helping them effectively manage any response, as well as enhancing the individual and collective ability of the staff, who are often unfamiliar with this territory.


The Benefits


Vice Chancellors, Headmasters and their senior teams (who almost always participate) now have increased confidence in their team’s ability to respond effectively. We have helped them achieve significant buy-in to the importance of an effective response mechanism and greatly enhanced staff awareness. Crucially, we have also helped senior teams recognise that this familiarity needs to be retained over time.


Unusual Issues


There are many diverse threats and risks within the Education environment, many of which require sensitive management. The complex nature of information handling and communication is a key challenge within this sector.

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